Saturday, April 16, 2011

How iPad 2 can help everyone else in this world

Number of hungry people in the world

925 million hungry people in 2010

Will this figure rise? No one knows for sure. But a seemingly insignificant contribution can go a long way to funding continuing efforts of solving world-wide poverty problems.

We know you care.

Do your part today and buy this poor kid an iPad 2 and maybe he'll finally come up with some solution to solve this ongoing crisis.

I dont know why I need an iPad 2 but I just need one

I cannot find a remotely convincing reason why I need the sleek new slate from Apple. In fact, I dont even own an Apple product.

Donate to my iPad 2 Cause Today!

Do a good deed and buy a poor kid an iPad 2 today.

Fund it for the greater good, you know you want to.